We understand that you may not be happy with the services we provided to you. It may be because we fail to provide a service, or when we do, it either took longer than it should or, it falls short of what you expect. Here at Wimbledon Park Co-operative, we like to know where we went wrong because we believe in doing things better. Please let us know the moment you are unhappy with the services we provide.
To help you understand how we handle your complaint, our Procedure is available to any resident of the Resident Management Organisation (RMO) .
The Policy
Wimbledon Park Co-operative is committed to providing a high quality service to all of its residents. We aare also committed to treating everyone who comes into contact with the Co-operative in a fair and reasonable manner.
The Procedure
Any resident who feels that Wimbledon Park Co-operative has not provided them with a high quality service, or has not treated them fairly, has the right to use this Complaints Procedure.
The Co-operative is only able to investigate complaints raised by the person affected and with enough information to assist staff with dealing with the complaint at hand. Your complaint will be treated in confidence.
If you wish to make a complaint, you should contact the Estate Manager in writing (either letter or email). Telephone calls are also welcomed. Please give as much information as possible about your complaint to the Estate Manager so that the complaint can be properly investigated.
What Happens Next?
Stage 1 – Your complaint will be acknowledged within two working days by the Estate Manager, who will aim to investigate and resolve your complaint within 20 working days or sooner if possible. Our aim is to reach a solution by this stage. However, there are further steps if you are still not satisfied.
Stage 2 – If you are still unhappy following the Stage 1 response, you can raise the complaint with the Council’s Western Area Housing Team Resident Participation Officer (RPO). The RPO will collate the Stage 1 documentation and refer the complaint to the Corporate Complaints Team who will review Stage 1 and the handling of the complaint to ensure it has been thoroughly investigated and that an appropriate response was provided. You must submit your request for a review within 20 working days of receiving the Stage 1 response and you will need to explain why the Stage 1 response has not resolved the complaint and what outcome you are seeking in order to resolve the matter at Stage 2.
The process is then as follows:
- The Housing and Regeneration Department will acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing within 2 working days. The recipient of the complaint must also notify the Corporate Complaints Team who will then liaise with the complainant throughout the Stage 2 process.
- The review will be undertaken by a Senior Manager or Head of Service.
- The Council will provide a written response, with a decision on the complaint, following a review at Stage 2 within 15 working days from receipt. If the Council are not able to meet this timescale, the complainant will be kept informed by the Corporate Complaints Team.
- Sign off is completed by a Senior Manager, usually the Assistant Director or Chief Executive.
This will be the Council’s final decision and marks the end of the complaints procedure. At the end of the Stage 2 response the complainant will be provided with the contact details of the Housing Ombudsman Service if they are still dissatisfied.
What happens after Stage 2?
If you are still dissatisfied with the response received, you can contact the Housing Ombudsman Service. The Housing Ombudsman will deal with all complaints about the Councils’ landlord function from its tenants and leaseholders. The Housing Ombudsman can only consider complaints that have been referred, if 8 weeks have passed from the completion of the landlord’s internal complaints procedure. If contacted by the Ombudsman, the complainant and relevant department must provide all requested documentation within the given timescale. This will be co-ordinated through the Corporate Complaints Team.
Please contact the Estate office if you wish to have more information on the Housing Ombudsman process.
Record Keeping, Review and Data Protection
The Co-operative will retain copies of the complaint, the acknowledgement, any holding responses and the final response on file according to the retention policy. The RMO must also record information gathered, learning from the complaint, and monitor progress and stage reached for complaints. The Management Board are updated on any complaints every three months. Complaints recorded will be fed back to the Business Support Team on a quarterly basis.
To read the full complaints procedure – Complaints Procedure January 2025
Tell us how we are doing: Compliments and Complaints