Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)


Anti-social behaviour is acting in a way that causes, or is likely to cause, alarm or distress to other households.

Examples of antisocial behaviour
  • Noisy neighbours.
  • Graffiti.
  • Drinking or drug use which leads to people being rowdy and causing trouble.
  • Large groups hanging about in the stairwells or grounds (if they are causing, or likely to cause, alarm and distress).
  • Litter problems.
  • Racism.
  • Homophobic abuse.


The police can be contacted when incidents of anti-social behaviour occur or Wandsworth Council’s Joint Control Centre (JCC, formerly WEC).

For non-urgent reports, please contact – 101

For all emergency reports, please contact – 999

Wandsworth JCC – 0208 870 7490

The Estate office is also available to assist with tackling any incidents of anti-social behaviour across the estate. We operate a confidentiality policy and may need to do further investigations including asking you to complete a diary of incidents if they are persistent. Please call  0208 780 9980 (during normal office hours Mon-Fri 10am-4pm) or email [email protected].