Anti-social Behaviour, Nuisance, Racial or other form of Harassment
Wimbledon Park will not accept any anti-social behaviour on the estate. You as the tenant or leaseholder are responsible for the behaviour of every person (including children/pets) living in or visiting the property. Examples of anti-social behaviour include but are not limited to:
- Using abusive or insulting words or behaviour;
- Using or threatening to use violence;
- Vandalism of council property;
- Offensive drunkenness;
- Persistent arguing and door slamming;
- Noise or fouling from pets;
- Loud music;
- Rubbish Dumping;
- Barbecue on the Estate Grounds or Balcony;
- Speeding and dangerous riding of scooters/mopeds.
Click here to download the Anti-Social Behaviour – ASB – Council Policy / NuisanceDiarySheets
Please chick here to contact us.
Your Tenancy and Lease Conditions: Anti-Social Behaviour
The council’s tenancy conditions states your legal responsibilities as a tenant of the council in relation to anti-social behaviour. This helps ensure your neighbours and residents live in peaceful enjoyment in their homes and communities.
Who is responsible ?
If you, your lodgers, friends, relatives, visitors and any other person living in or visiting the property breach these conditions you will be liable to enforcement action which may lead to eviction.
Any breach of the tenancy conditions by anyone living in or visiting the property, will be treated as a breach by the tenant. If you are evicted it is likely that you will be considered to have made yourself “intentionally homeless” and consequently not entitled to re-housing by the council.
Anti-Social Behaviour Includes:
- Breaching the tenancy conditions
- Anything which causes, or is likely to cause, a nuisance to anyone living in the local area.
- Anything which interferes with the peace, comfort or convenience of other people living in the local area. As well as damaging to property belonging to other people or council property in the local area.
- Harassing anyone because of his or her race, colour, nationality, culture, sexuality, gender, age, marital status, religion or disability.
- Threatening, harassing or using violence towards anyone in the local area or towards council employees, managing agents or contractors or using or threatening violence towards anyone living in the property
- You cannot use the property for any criminal, immoral or illegal purpose. This includes selling or using illegal drugs, storing or handling stolen goods, prostitution and / or pornography.
What action will we take ?
Informal action
Initially, we try to resolve noise problems informally where possible. We may contact the person causing the noise to make them aware that a complaint has been made. We can keep your identity confidential, if requested.
Formal remedy
If the noise continues after we have discussed it we will start to collect evidence to prove that the noise complained about is at an unreasonable level and likely to cause a disturbance. We will attempt to visit to witness the noise.
There are a number routes that we can go down to resolve noise nuisance, remedies available to us include:
- warning letters
- mediation
- seeking possession
- injunctions and
- noise abatement notices
How to avoid being complained at ?
- Please inform your neighbours when you are planning to do any DIY. Respect your neighbours and avoid DIY at unsocial hours and on Saturday afternoons and Sundays.
- Laminated flooring needs to be laid on a layer of impact reduction material, as required under the terms of the tenancy and lease agreement.Be mindful of your neighbours below, as they can hear impact noise each time someone walks in your flat.
- You must not use or allow the property or any communal area to be used for any illegal or immoral activity such as drug dealing or prostitution.
- Excessive noise is a nuisance. Don’t inflict your style of music on your neighbours; keep it to yourself. When you have a party, please inform (or invite!) your neighbours and be mindful that they might need to rest and have a quiet night.
Grassed Areas Communal Areas and Play Areas
- The staff do their best to keep grassed areas looking good. You can help by not littering these areas or allowing dogs to foul them. Contact Dog Control Services at 020 8871 7606 if you see dog fouling taking place. Dogs living on the Estate must be microchipped and registered by the Council.
- Scooters, Motorcycle, Cycling, rollerblading, and skateboarding on the Estate pathways is not allowed for health and safety reasons. Please ensure your children do not engage in these activities.
- The play areas have been created to encourage your small children to play outdoors under your supervision. Please be mindful of the residents who live next to the play areas, and ensure your children keep noise down to a reasonable level. Ball games are not permitted on the Estate, but older children may wish to take advantage of Wimbledon Park, just across the road, which offers a number of sporting opportunities.
Staff, Contractors and Board Member Safeguarding
Wimbledon Park Co-operative Limited are here to provide the best services possible but in doing so we will not tolerate abusive or aggressive behavior from our service users. Such behavior by any service users will not enhance our service but rather the contrary. We will look to refuse to deal with people who assault our staff, board members and contractors or who continue to be abusive or aggressive when asked to behave reasonably. Wimbledon Park Co-operative will also contact the police in matters relating to threatening behavior which includes, violence, harassment and abuse. Please click here to see our staff, contractors and board members harassment policy.