
Complaint Policy and Procedure 

The Policy

Wimbledon Park Co-operative is committed to providing a high quality service to all of its residents and to treating everyone who comes into contact with the Co-operative in a fair and reasonable manner.

The Co-operative acknowledges that mistakes can be made and that Co-operative members or other persons may on occasion have cause for complaint. It is the Co-operative’s policy that anyone should be able to make a complaint to the Co-operative in the knowledge that, by doing so, they will not be penalised in any way, and that their complaint will be dealt with swiftly, effectively, and in a serious manner.

It is the policy of the Co-operative that the existence of the Complaints Policy and Procedure is made widely known to all Co-operative members, residents and other persons who come into contact with the Co-operative.

The Procedure

Any person who feels that Wimbledon Park Co-operative has not provided them with a high quality service, or has not treated them fairly, has the right to use this Complaints Procedure. The Co-operative will take your complaints seriously and will in no way penalise you for making a complaint. Please note that the Co-operative is not able to respond to complaints that are made anonymously.

If you wish to make a complaint, you should contact the Estate Manager in writing or by telephone or in person during normal office hours. Give as much information as possible about your complaint to the Estate Manager so that the complaint can be properly considered.

What happens next?

Stage 1 – Your complaint will be acknowledged within two working days by the Estate Manager, who will aim to investigate and resolve your complaint within 10 working days.

Stage 2 – If you are dissatisfied with the response you receive, you may appeal to the Co-operative Board, which will review your complaint at the next Board meeting. If a meeting is not scheduled to be held within 35 days, a special meeting will be called. You will be notified of the Board’s decision within seven days.

Stage 3 – If you have exhausted the above complaints procedure and you are still dissatisfied, you may appeal to the Council within 14 days of receipt of the Board’s decision. You may request details of how to contact the Council from the Estate Manager.

Click here to download the Complaints Procedure – Complaints Procedure

Please click here to contact us.

The type of complaint covered under this policy

  • Complaints about the behaviour or performance of an employee of Wimbledon Park Co-operative
  • Complaints about the standard of caretaking and cleaning
  • Complaints about the speed or standard of repairs carried out by Wimbledon Park Co-operative
  • Complaints about the behaviour or performance of a member of the Management Committee

The complainant’s rights

All complaints made about Wimbledon Park Co-operative services or those acting on its behalf will be treated in the strictest confidence. The full report will only be available to the Estate Manager or the Chair of the Management Committee, unless the complaint has been made to the Committee. Any complaints not covered by Wimbledon Park Co-operative’s Complaints Procedures should be dealt with at the Council’s office in Garrett Lane.

Please click here to contact us.